Cross connections can cause the water system to be come contaminated.  A cross connection is a link with the public water supply and a possible source of contamination.  An example of a cross connection would be a garden hose submerged in a source of contamination such as a swimming pool, car radiator or other liquid.  If a water main break should occur or if a fire pumper used a fire hydrant while the hose was submerged in a source of contamination, the contaminant could be pulled back into the public water supply.  This occurrence, known as backflow, can be prevented.

One simple way to stop backflow is by using an air gap.  An air gap can be created by arranging your house
hose to that the end is at least six inches above the top rim of the container it is being used to fill. This air gap

will prevent the contaminant from being siphoned into the water supply.



                                                 Another method of preventing backflow with a garden hose is using a device known as a vacuum breaker.

                                                 Vacuum breakers are inexpensive devices that can be screwed onto your outside faucet.  These devices
                                                  will prevent contaminants from being siphoned back into your plumbing and the public water system.

More hazardous cross connections or cross connections created with permanently installed plumbing may require more sophisticated
devices known as reduced pressure backflow preventers.  These devices are much more complicated and must be tested annually by
certified testers.

For more information on preventing cross connections and protecting our water supply, contact the Fall River Road Utility District at
(931) 762-9481.

    REMEMBER:  Never submerge your garden hose in anything you would not want to drink!



  • Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses.
  • Shut off the valve to your irrigation system and drain the lines.
  • Insulate pipes or faucets in unheated areas of the house.
  • Seal off outside access doors and cracks to keep the cold out.
  • Cover or close vented areas to your home's crawl space.
  • Locate your master shutoff so you know where it is if you do have a pipe break.



  • Keep water running in the pipes by allowing a small trickle of water to run.
  • ​If pipes run through cabinets or vanities, open doors to let warmer room temperatures get in.
  • Thaw pipes with warm air.
  • Shut off the water immediately
  • Be careful turning water back on and check pipes and joints for any cracks or leaks that might have thawed.



This chart will help you calculate how much water your household uses a month.  If you have water-saving appliances or toilets, your use may be somewhat less than the amount you have calculated on the chart.

                                                                                                        Multiply the number of daily showers by the number

of minutes each shower takes.  Now multiply that

number by 3 gallons per minute used.  Enter

that number in the box.                                                                 

Multiply the number of daily baths by 36 (gallons in a full bath) or 18 (gallons in half full tub). Enter that number in the box.

Multiply the number of persons in the home by the number of daily flushers.  (The average is four per person.)  Multiply that figure by 3, the number of gallons used per flush.  Enter that number in the box.

Brushing Teeth
Multiply the number of persons in the home by the number of daily tooth brushings.  Multiply that figure by 3 (the number of gallons used while the faucet runs for one minute). Enter that number in the box.

Hand Washing
Multiply the number of times per day dishes are washed by the number of minutes the water is running.  Multiply that by 3.  Enter that number in the box.

Add the number of  times a week you run the dishwasher and divide by 7 to obtain the average daily usage.  Multiply that figure by 12 (the number of gallons used by each wash).  Enter that number in the box.

Add the number of loads of laundry done weekly and divide by 7.  Multiply that figure by 44 (the number of gallons used per load).  Enter that number in the box.

Other Indoor Use
The people in your household use water in other ways.  Multiply the number of persons in the household by 10 gallons.  Enter that number in the box.

Outside Watering
You also use water outside (watering plants, washing cars, filling pools, etc.).  Multiply the number of minutes you have a hose turned on by 6 and enter that number in the box.

Now calculate your household's daily use.  Add up all the boxes

to get an estimate of the gallons of water used daily.  Enter in the box.

Next, calculate your monthly use by multiplying the amount used daily by 30.  Enter in the box.  This is your estimated monthly usage.

Calculate Your Monthly Water Usage